A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. | |
— Arnold H. Glasow |
I came across this wonderful Trunk Full Of Quilts online quilt trunk show being hosted by by Soma @ Whims and Fancies and decided I would hop aboard! Just click on the photo below and you can go there too!
Soma has invited us to dig deep in our trunks and find our favorite quilts to showcase and linkup. She has many wonderful sponsors giving some fabulous prizes but best of all is the chance to see all those gorgeous quilts!
So I have a couple of favorites which I will show.........first is the "Kitty Quilt" I made for my youngest son..........the middle block is made using the snails trail block to form the kitty tails........The kitties are our two girls, Lucy and Tinkerbell. Lucy lived with us for 19 years before she traveled to Rainbow bridge to wait for us..........Tinker is about 18 years old now and still entertaining us.......(the two yellow kitties represent Lucy and the gray kitties are Tinkerbell) The rest of the quilt is an "Around the World" pattern made with 5 inch charms........

Above is my son with Lucy and below he is holding Tinker......
My next most favorite quilt is one I call "Little Apples".......it is from a pattern called "Cross Terrain" by Moda Bake Shop contributor, Lee, of Freshly Pieced---- I used the "Little Apples" fabric line by Aneela Hoey.....such pretty colors....After quilting for everybody else......this is the very first quilt I made for myself.....and I use it all the time!

So that's it! I'm off to linkup and visit the rest of the gorgeous quilts in the trunk show.......want to come along?? Just clink on this Link!
See you There!