Ok it has been over 6 months since my last entry and since then I have completed my Sewing/Craft/Exercise....etc room! I promise I will try to be a more focused blogger from now on.
As I mentioned before, my new "playroom" once served as bedroom for two of my sons when they lived at home. First it was Patrick's room and then Josh's when Patrick moved out. This past week I finally finished putting pictures on the walls and new coverings for my storage area and actually began sewing again! Here are some photos of my Feathered Empty Nest; I may never need to step foot back into the other parts of my house anymore!

My current project is an attempt to save and utilize some 9-patch blocks I inherited from my Mother-in-law who passed away this year. I think it was a project started by her and her own Mother. The colors are somewhat patriotic-looking and halfway through piecing the blocks together I decided to stop after 9 blocks and make it into a tablecloth for myself instead. I felt this was something I would really use instead of having it put away in a closet. Some of my other quilting plans are to finally start a crazy quilt and a scrap quilt........maybe I will combine the two?? I have to confess that I wrestle with "Instant Gratification Syndrome".......for some reason I just can't seem to work on a quilt project for very long before having to see it completed........I long to be one of those quilters who complains about having several ongoing projects that are never finished.........or maybe it is just that most of my quilt projects have been done with deadlines to meet......(have it done by Christmas, etc).......I feel like I am beginning to babble now........
Anyway...........here is a photo of the resurrected 9-patch blocks from my Mother-in-law. Hers are the red and blue patchwork blocks, I added the 4 dark blue 9-patch.blocks and the middle block......I think I will add a scalloped border to complete the tablecloth......what do you think?