“There are two kinds of people, those who love dolls and those who don't yet know that they love dolls." ― Gayle Wray
I became obsessed with the vintage porcelain "half dolls" last year when I was looking for pincushion ideas.........I found that, like many vintage items, they can be found without having to pay too dearly for them..........I found these on E-bay for a very good price but someone had painted them both.......
It took me a few days but was finally able to remove the awful paint.......and found that the one on the left looks like what is called a "Bathing Beauty" half doll. She actually has a black cap on her head and is wearing a yellow top. The one on the right wears a Japanese print top......

So after removing the paint I worked on the Bathing Beauty half doll and made her a new dress........................
I haven't decided what kind of skirt to make for her friend yet.......she looks a bit like a flapper girl to me but like most of my projects.....her outfit will evolve as I work on it.............
here are a few photos of antique half dolls/ pincushions I have found on the internet.............aren't they lovely?