But anyway.......I was at the dumpster awhile back and someone had thrown away these perfectly good pieces of laminated oak 5/8 inch particle board that used to be a large component cabinet.......and although I knew I shouldn't because my garage was FINALLY clean....I dragged them home thinking I could use them to make some nice work table tops in my craft room. Well they cluttered my garage for about 6 months......Oh yeah, the other confessions.......I went for a ride with my Dad one day and we came home with a "treasure" of 12 dead cow skulls! As we unloaded them at his house he turned and said, "Don't tell your Mother".......Daddy made acrylic horns for the skulls and painted Indian and Western scenes and brought them out one by one as he finished with them.....what incredible artwork he created!
......but I digress.........here is what I finally made out of my dumpster find......it's all ready to load up with my Craft magazines and quilting books!
The Fabric Quarter is going to give you this yummy bundle!!
It's a half yard bundle of Magnolia Lane from Michael Miller with a few companion fabrics... totaling 7 half yards of fabric! Click on the link below:

Your blog is looking good, not to mention your bookshelf which looks great. I've already entered Jaybird's giveaway. Seems like you failed to mention another giveaway...
Great find and fantastic results!
I totally dumpster dive...why are you trying to stop? Look at what you got from it!!
welcome to blogging. Your shelved unit is great! Well worth the guilt from having rescued it from a dumpster.
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