"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein
I wonder if Mr. Einstein was a quilter??? LOL........
I will be talking to Mr. Random tomorrow morning as soon as I have my morning coffee to see who he has chosen to be the lucky winner of my very first giveaway so hopefully we can get a few more entries between now and then............. Here is the Link for those of you who haven't seen the giveaway:
So anyway...........I have been trying to get back into the groove of the JustTakes2 mystery quilt-a-long.
I was able to get #7 and #8 of the blocks done this week.....and not without a little trouble........which I attribute to my desire to get to work on my Name Game Swap over at Samelia's Mum.....I am still waiting for some fabric for that project but I have enough to get started on it and I can't seem to concentrate on any other projects right now so I think maybe I was just too much in a hurry........but anyway, here they are:

I wonder if Mr. Einstein was a quilter??? LOL........
I will be talking to Mr. Random tomorrow morning as soon as I have my morning coffee to see who he has chosen to be the lucky winner of my very first giveaway so hopefully we can get a few more entries between now and then............. Here is the Link for those of you who haven't seen the giveaway:
So anyway...........I have been trying to get back into the groove of the JustTakes2 mystery quilt-a-long.
I was able to get #7 and #8 of the blocks done this week.....and not without a little trouble........which I attribute to my desire to get to work on my Name Game Swap over at Samelia's Mum.....I am still waiting for some fabric for that project but I have enough to get started on it and I can't seem to concentrate on any other projects right now so I think maybe I was just too much in a hurry........but anyway, here they are:

Block8 was paper-pieced. It was more fun (and more forgiving) than Block7...there is a little dark shading which not really on the block....(I think maybe it is the shadow of my head taking the photo...haha)
I still have Blocks 8,9,10, and 11 to finish before the next group comes out the first of the month........
The good news is that I am getting more projects started and I actually have a couple of UFO's now! I feel so proud....haha......yeah I know I am somehow unclear on the concept of UFO's.......which we are supposed to want to get finished, right? ...... but for now, having a UFO is making me feel more like a "seasoned" quilter.......so I will bask in my ignorance for awhile......will talk to you tomorrow.......TTFN
Your blocks are beautiful and I'm so proud of you for officially having UFOs under your belt. WTG! (Unclear on the concept must be a family thing.)
Your blocks look wonderful. I finished the last of mine up yesterday. The house is a little fiddly!!
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