We are all ordinary. We are all boring. We are all spectacular. We are all shy. We are all bold. We are all heroes. We are all helpless. It just depends on the day. --Brad Meltzer
Every Christmas season all the boxes of decorations and lights usually make their way down from the attic over the garage the day after Thanksgiving...........
One year I had been to a garage sale earlier that year and had found several boxes of gorgeous dusty blue and mauve ornaments in all sizes............and so I decided that for that year I was going to create one of those "decorator" trees using only red and blue lights and these marvelous ornaments.......I also bought rolls and rolls of gold ribbon and made dozens of beautiful gold bows to add to the mix "like they do at the big department stores".....
After spending hours on the tree I stood back and looked at it and my heart dropped........I didn't see the cherished ornaments my kids had made at school with the pictures of them glued on.....I didn't see the ornaments we had all sat and made together.......I didn't see the ornaments my sister had made for me....nor the ones my friends had made or given to me.....in other words.....I didn't see MY Christmas tree! I went to my boxes marked "Special Ornaments" and pulled them out....added some colored lights to the tree and when I finally looked at the finished product...there was MY tree!
I have gone from a 7 foot tree to a 4 foot tree over the years because pulling a huge Christmas Tree box from the attic got a little harder....but every one of those special ornaments fits on that little tree!
(ummm....I bought a 2 foot tall urn to put it in and....Voila! It is now a 6 foot tree!)
so let me show you some of the ornaments that are so special to me...
First here are the ones my sons made at school for me......and the ones we made together over the years.....

and the ones friends made for me or gave to me...... The Santa, angel, stocking a snowman were those "cookie dough" ornaments that were baked and then painted by a co-worker way back in 1985.....I had a dozen of them to start with but over the years a few have broken....
My Sis, Irene made the ones on the right and my sweet Grandsons send me a new ornament with their photo each year like the ones below....
So, tell me, with all that love I just showed you why would anybody want a decorator tree at home????
Have a wonderful Christmas everybody.....ta-ta for now.....