“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
I am linking up today on the Perfectly Pleasing Pincushion Parade.
My favorite pin cushion is this one my son, Jeremy made for me when he was about 12 years old........at the time I had no pincushions at all so he made this one for me. His sewing skills have improved but I wouldn't change a thing about this pin cushion.
.........and then I used some of the selvages I've been collecting to make this one.................
and finally a red hat complete with ribbon and feather!
Here is a pincushion my sis gave me............
I am linking up today on the Perfectly Pleasing Pincushion Parade.
My favorite pin cushion is this one my son, Jeremy made for me when he was about 12 years old........at the time I had no pincushions at all so he made this one for me. His sewing skills have improved but I wouldn't change a thing about this pin cushion.
I made these three little pin cushions for the parade.......

First a pincushion attached to the top of a little jar that can be used for pins, buttons, etc...............
.........and then I used some of the selvages I've been collecting to make this one.................
and finally a red hat complete with ribbon and feather!
and last but not least.............I think I found this at an estate sale...........the bottom says it was made in Italy..........it has a pretty ceramic flower on the top and is another of my favorites.................
...........and that's all I have to show today...........but I know where you can see lots more...........click the Picture below to be transported to this year's Perfectly Pleasing Pin cushion Parade link-up page! There will be lots of link-ups for you to enjoy......and why don't you join the party while you're there and link-up your own pin cushions?
What a great assortment! Love all of your new pincushions and the old :). Thank you for hosting this parade and inviting me to join.
Nice pincushions. You made one for my Ike the little jar and I love it. That red hat is gorgeous and I, too, like the pincushion Jeremy made the best ;)
Lovely collection of pincushions. Love your red hat one best.....
That vintage pin cushion with the rose is so pretty!!
A lovely collection! I hope you are going to do a tutorial for the red hat pincushion! And the vintage rose one is lovely.
lovely pincushions.... the old one with the ceramic flower is pretty and unusual.
Pretty pincushions Ida. The red hat is gorgeous and I also like the idea of using selvages, I have been saving mine to use one day. The ceramic cushion is lovely too, rather unusual.
Those pincushions are all so sweet. The red hat is fabulous. Of course I can see why the first is your favorite.
I love all your pincushions. They are adorable.
They are all wonderful. How special is your first one.
Great pincushions! My favorite is the one from your sis, with the flower and ladybug.
Thanks for leading us in the pincushion parade! What a fun idea! Your collection is wonderful!
It's lovely to see your pincushions and thank you for doing this parade :-) I love how pincushions come in so many shapes and sizes! The one your son made you is precious, lovely to see it still being used.
Thanks for hosting this parade - its a lot of fun to go visiting!! Love your collection.
All your pincushions are special, especially the one your son made!
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