
Friday, November 9, 2012

Killing 2 birds with One Stone......and happy mail......

The test of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.   
― George S. Patton 
Well....."she's" making me do stuff again.......My sis knew I had been making lots of totes and bags and when she came across Carol Doak's "It's in the Bag Challenge" she started trying to talk me into entering...........I already know by now that it's no use to argue and give all the reasons why I'm not going to enter......because she will relentlessly continue until I decide to do it.......
I explained to her that I had seen the "UR Priceless Blog Hop" and decided I was going to make one of those instead.......well guess what.....(I am so smart sometimes I can't stand I decided to kill 2 birds with one stone and do a UR Priceless coin bag with a Carol Doak Paper Pieced pattern!  

 There is a PP Block on each side and I used some Mary Englebreit fabric to coordinate with it, and then used the Englebreit on the inside too.......

This is such a cute pattern......I have two more frames left but I'm still deciding what fabrics to use.......

 You should see all the other cute UR Priceless Bags on the Blog can check them out by following the link above or clicking the following button:

 Before I continue, let me assure you that my Sis never nags me unless she really thinks I will do the thing she is suggesting.......she knows me so well by now that she knows when I will and when I won't.......LOL.....(I just let her think she talked me into it.....)
Ok before I get myself in any more trouble let me tell you about my happy mail..........I got this beautiful block from my Swap partner, Lori Marie and she included a pack of these sweet Postage Stamp Charms!
Thanks so much, Lori Marie.  I love all of it.
Well let me just finish up here and I have to change gears into work mode...........two more graveyards and then hopefully I will get a few days off to go visit my kids and grandkids.....and even a couple of days with Irene on the ranch......(smile)....
So you know what I'm going to say now.........yep, 
"Ta-Ta for now"...............see you next time............



Anonymous said...

wow Ida that is the cutest little purse i have ever seen ,well done you clever chick,love the blocks and gift you received and hope you get time of to see the family.xx

sew.darn.quilt said...

Too cute, I love it!!

Hilachas said...

What? You did it? Yes! What a delightful little purse. You are just "too much" sometimes. What a great job you did. And you got something in the mail to boot. Things are good!

sunny said...

What an adorable little purse. I have one of those frames around here somewhere - I guess it's time to put it to use.

Needled Mom said...

That is awesome and I love how you killed both birds with it. It really looks terrific. Aren't they fun to make? I'm sure you already have ten more in your mind. Right?

Nice mail too! Hope you have a fun and safe trip. See you when you get back.

hafza said...

So it!!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Your little coin purse is adorable and I just love the paper piecing on it. Nothing wrong with making one thing for two purposes :)