Thanks to the lovely Cheryll for hosting WOOFA to help us all work on our UFO's! Please click below to see other finishes for this month's WOOFA challenge!

Mrs. Gnome stated in no uncertain terms that she had no plans to move in to the Mulberry tree unless Mr. Gnome installed a dormer window where she could grow flowers and watch the birds.......
Mr. Gnome knows..."Happy Wife, Happy Life" so up went the window and if you look close you can see a big smile on Mrs. Gnome's face.......
I threw out the fishing hole that had the resin that wouldn't harden and made a new lake, complete with fish and ducks.....one of the fisherman has a catch which that little dog is waiting for!
Ok so I guess I'm officially on a new tangent....I am really stoked about this new UFO Long Time Gone Quilt....I found another pineapple block pattern which I thought was really different from the first one and also a lot faster to make on my embroidery machine:
The new one (on the left) has a really large center patch set on point and over all, I like this pattern better than the first pattern (on the right). But I don't like that all the points on the patch are cut off....
Even so, I think it looks more "pineappley" (is that a word?)
Or I could use an Alice in Wonderland word, "muchier"
...the new block as pineapples go is muchier than the other one......( I am definitely digressing here.....)
ok... since I didn't like the cut-off points, I edited both patterns in my embroidery software, then merged the parts on each that I liked, and came up with a 3rd pattern which I will use for the rest of the blocks.......(It's the block in the middle and definitely muchier and pineappleier than the others)
I have also been working on my gnome garden in the back yard....I moved the Gnomes into my mulberry tree because they said they had been commuting too far everyday to come to work at the barn.....lol